Openoffice linux convert unicode docs to pdf
Openoffice linux convert unicode docs to pdf

openoffice linux convert unicode docs to pdf

In my experience it doesn't go very long working with a document in the Unicode font before parts of the text start disappearing. In any case, any help/advice would be gratefully received. Perhaps this issue has been raised on the forum before, although I couldn't find any threads when I searched. MSWord, however Word has no problems displaying these Unicode fonts and I absolutely need these fonts for the task at hand (transcribing medieval manuscripts, which requires the use of palaeographic characters only found in these fonts). I fully support open source software and I would much rather keep using OOWriter for word processing rather than having to use e.g. fonts), and I've experienced this problem both with Windows XP and 7, on seperate computers, and on these same machines and OS's other applications have no issues displaying text in the same fonts. The fonts are all installed (including all components where there are seperate italic, bold etc.

openoffice linux convert unicode docs to pdf

The regular Latin alphabet characters are also affected, indiscriminately. I should stress that the display problems are not confined to unusual characters present only in the fonts in question. Sometimes this problem occurs as soon as the document is opened, at other times it can happen after the document has been open a while. The text is still there, but to make it visible again one has to change the text to a non-Unicode font. What happens is, seemingly at random, parts of the text written in the Unicode font become invisible. Every version of OpenOffice Writer I have used, up to the latest build, has had issues displaying Unicode fonts, specifically Andron Scriptor Web and Junicode.

Openoffice linux convert unicode docs to pdf